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Yes. Fiah. Rhymes with "fire", which is not a coincidence.

What is Fiah?

Fiah is a little app that uses DFES's EmergencyWA site data to send you emails (and maybe later SMSs) when there's an incident near you. Register, lodge the areas you're interested in (be it home, work, where your horses are, anything) and it'll notify you when something bad happens. You can get notified for every incident in the state if you wish, but you're going to get a lot of emails.

Why do this?

Because I always check the EmergencyWA site when there is nothing going on, I never seem to check it when there IS something going on, and there has to be a better way than everyone tagging everyone else on Facebook and taking screenshots of bulletins from 3 hours ago.

Can I sue you if my house burns down...?

No. Maybe. I dunno. I'm not a lawyer, and I don't want to pay one to write something that won't protect me anyway. It's pretty simple, really - this is just one more way to stay informed. Get your shit together, prepare, stay alert and be nice to your neighbours. :)

Email, for all its ubiquity, is not a guaranteed messaging system. Neither is SMS. But either is better than nothing.

I have things to say

Excellent. Please tell me them.